Sunday, December 30, 2012

This is the first.

So let's just get started, shall we?

I'm a new blogger.  A blog virgin, if you will.  I'm not even sure what this blog is going to be about, just that I was told to start one.  I haven't decided how personal I want it to be... It will probably get more personal as it goes on, and I get more and more frustrated with people and things in my life.  For now things are going well.  I attend Hofstra University, I'm in the Honors College, and I am majoring in Sustainability Studies.  I work for my Sustainability professor as a student researcher.  Right now I'm putting together some of the graphics for the textbook he's writing.  Pretty cool.  I feel like I'm talking to my friends' parents right now, telling them what I'm up to.  I've done the same shpeal so many times that I feel like everyone must know it by now.
I like art.  I'm not only about going green; art was my first all started with the "spider people" I used to draw when I was three.  They had a head and a face, and arms and legs, but no body.  The arms and legs came right out of the face, which I suppose could make sense to a three-year-old.  Think about it, if you're that small and looking up at everyone, the body becomes so foreshortened that it could seem like those big people just have long arms and legs sticking out of their heads.  Here's a link to my artwork.  My brother made me this website for Christmas, I haven't figured out how to work it yet.
So I guess I'll post some interesting things in the future.  Hope you like them, whoever you are.